Tuesday, August 19, 2014

FISH Forth V1.5 - LPC1114 Updated Support - LPC812 Updated Support

Clyde has updated FISH Forth to Version 1.5. He has made some improvements. I'm just going to cover the major ones. There are now two versions of the FISH Forth for the LPC812. One is the full FISH suite and has 1K of Flash available for storing user programs. The other is a slightly reduced FISH (reductions noted in the documentation) that can hold 2K of user programs. The LPC812 has 4K of RAM space giving about 1 1/2K of user RAM space.

There is also a new FISH Forth for the LPC1114. It covers the versions of the LPC1114 (and likely the LPC1115 when we test it) that have 8K of RAM. The LPC1114 that we have tested has 32K of Flash (16K of program space) and 8K of RAM (giving about 5 1/2K of user RAM space). All the older versions of our software (that don't have known fatal bugs) are still available.

I will be providing links to all our hardware and software in another post which will be permanently on the sidebar.

Clyde has a link he will be using to post all new version of FISh and associated software and different processor versions. FISH File Folders.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

TTL to USB 22April2014

The TTL to USB board is a board that can interface to a USB computer port and deliver UART serial communications to any device that can accept them. Interface voltages between 5.25V and 1.8V can be handled by feeding the appropriate voltage. to the VI designated pins on J1 or J2. J1 is an 8 pin header that delivers TxD and RxD only. J2 adds CTS and RTS for hardware flow control.

You can find complete documentation (schematic, parts list, PCB board layout) for the board at TTL to USB 22April2014 - Doc.

This board is available from OSH Park for $5.10 each.

We have some boards in development that use this board for interfacing to allow software development. You can also use this board with flying jumpers to connect any board (such as Code Red boards) to a USB port.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

LPC1114LQFP Devl 15Julyl2014

The LPC1114LQFP Devl is a USB powered board that has both a parallel port and an I2C port on board. This board is similar to our LPC812 Devl - 20 March 2014 except that it has more usable memory (16K of open Flash with our FISH Forth) and a larger RAM (8K vs 4K). The chip is a little harder to hand solder than the other chips we generally use (.5 mm lead spacing vs .65 mm) but I have developed a method that makes the soldering relatively easy.

First mount all the 4.7uF capacitors. They will provide a small measure of anti-static protection. You should do your work on an anti-static surface. Put a dab of Chip Quik in the center of the part outline (U1) away from the chip leads. Use enough to make sure it holds the chip in place. Once the chip is in place use a resistor lead from a through hole resistor) or similar to push the chip around until all the pads are aligned. Check all four sides of the chip to make sure you have gotten it right. Once the pads are aligned put a little Chip Quik near one of the corner pads. Solder the corner pad (do not touch it) with Chip Quik flux. Check alignment. Go to the opposite corner from the one you just soldered and put a little Chip Quik near the pad. Solder the corner. Check the alignment. Your chip is now firmly held in place and you can solder the two rows of pads that don't have any solder using a generous amount of chip quick. Now solder the other two rows that have the corners tacked using a generous amount of Chip Quik. You can use Chip Quik and a clean iron to clear any solder bridges that have formed. It is amazing stuff. And you are done with U1. Now mount the other chips, Rs, and Cs saving the components near the chips (mostly .1 uF capacitors) for last. Now install the switch SW1, and finally the connectors. Done.

Note that this board should work with the LPC1115 as well as the LPC1114. I haven't tried it yet so I can't verify that. As soon as I do I will update this paragraph.

You can find out how to load the LPC114 with the software of your choice here. You are not limited to using Forth although we highly recommend it for ease and speed of software development.

Here are the document files for the board including schematic, parts list, and PCB parts layout.

This board is available from OSH Park for $9.00 each.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.